Eye Floaters
- At June 16, 2023
- By Aarzoo
- In Uncategorized
- 0
When you have spots in your eyes, they are called eye floaters. Once you move your eyes, they could appear as black or grey specks, strings or cobwebs that move around and seem to dart away when you glance at them directly. Eye floaters usually start to occur when the liquid vitreous (the jelly-like substance inside your eyes) becomes more prominent, which majority of eye floaters are age-related. There are different types of eye floaters, cloud-like, ring shaped, fibrous strand, squiggly, cobweb and some floaters could also be transparent, somewhat shadowed, or virtually black.
Your eye doctor will identify eye floaters during a eye checkup. Your eye doctor will dilate your eyes so that they can see inside of your eye clearly, this will help check your retina and find any floaters. Sometimes treatment isn’t necessary if the person is generally healthy, but if the person is experiencing sudden increase in floaters, they should visit an ophthalmologist immediately and get a dilated retinal examination.