Add These Foods to Your Meals
- At May 26, 2023
- By Pamela Myhre
- In Uncategorized
There are many foods that could help with your vision. For example:
- Raw red peppers: Brightly colored peppers pack eye-friendly vitamins A and E. They also give the most vitamin C per calorie which is good for the blood vessels in your eyes and it could also lower your risk of getting cataracts.
- Sunflower seeds and nuts: Seeds and nuts contain vitamin E that can help slow age-related macular degeneration from getting worse and it may also prevent cataracts.
- Dark, leafy greens: Kale, spinach and collard greens have vitamins C and E. They also have carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin. These plant based forms of vitamin A lower your risk of long term eye diseases.
- Salmon: Our retinas need two types of omega-3 fatty acids to work, DHA and EPA. Both of those can be found in fatty fish, like salmon, tuna, trout and other seafood. Omega-3’s also seem to protect your eyes from age-related macular degeneration and glaucoma.